Note – due to funding restrictions, this position is only open to Yale undergraduates or students in a PhD program.
About Moving the Needle
The fashion industry is responsible for 4–8.6%of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than international flights and maritime shipping combined. Moving the Needle (MTN) is a program at the Yale Center for Business and the Environment where students, staff, and faculty work together to explore what’s needed to transition the fashion industry toward a sustainable future.
The goals of MTN are to:
- Inform – host events and create resources that inform students and others about what sustainable fashion encompasses, the various roles that exist in this space, and actions being taken by industry, policy, academia, and beyond.
- Connect – build a network of students, academics, and practitioners who want to engage and share about what’s happening (and what needs to happen) in sustainable fashion.
- Support – continue to iterate on what we can create to help support students who want to focus their careers in this area.
To further our goal of “connecting”, we will be taking on the administration, logistics, and facilitation of The Sustainable Fashion Consumption Network. We recently received an Impact! Grant from Yale Planetary Solutions that makes this work possible (read our proposal here).
About the Sustainable Fashion Consumption Network
The international research network on Sustainable Fashion Consumption was founded in June 2019 by Dr. Katia Dayan Vladimirova. It has grown from five to 120+ academic experts in the topics of fashion consumption and sustainability. The network facilitates scientific collaborations and has resulted in outputs such as scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Cities most recently, and multiple joint session tracks in international scientific conferences, including PLATE, SCORAI, and Degrowth Conferences. The network also organized a Symposium on Sustainable Fashion Consumption in Berlin in 2022. Moreover, the Network is active in the science-policy interface, with multiple members involved in the policy processes around textiles in Europe, the US, and Australia.
About the role:
The Moving the Needle: Research Relationship Coordinator will help us move through this transition and get the most out of this program expansion. The goals of this new aspect of MTN are to:
- Create connections among members of this network. Support the relationships being built and facilitate opportunities for engagement among the members. This will include (just a sample…your ideas are welcome!
- Helping to organize monthly webinars/online meetings of the network to 1) share and seek feedback on current research in a closed “safe space” and 2) offer other research insights and content that can be shared more publicly.
- Posting of a “Wicked Question”, where members post their insights and directly engage with each other as well as the question.
- Help organize and execute a 100+ person symposium to showcase the research and innovations happening in the sustainable fashion consumption space (likely Fall 2025).
- Disseminate insights and activities of the network both internally and publicly.
- Help create a monthly newsletter to share the latest research publications, calls for grants and conferences, etc.
- Rebuild and maintain a website that looks appealing and shares the most up-to-date information happening within the network.
- Monitor and reply to/act on incoming emails to the network inbox as needed.
- Share any minutes and follow up items from network meetings
- Facilitate connections between students and researchers
- Academics in this network might be looking for support for their research. Would love to collaborate on the best ways to facilitate this!
- Coordinate with Moving the Needle program
- As part of the Moving the Needle team, coordinate the activities of the Sustainable Fashion Consumption Network with the activities of the broader Moving the Needle program.
To apply:
Apply using the central Yale Student Employment application system and search for Job ID: 35265
- You will be asked to upload your resume
- We’d like to learn more about 1) why you are interested in this opportunity and 2) what makes you a good fit for this role. Please also upload a statement of interest that speaks to each of those points.
- Optional: if you have a writing sample you’d like to include, please upload that as well.
Heather Fitzgerald
How to Apply
Apply using the central Yale Student Employment application system and search for Job ID: 35265
- Yale Student Employment application system
- You will be asked to upload your resume
- We’d like to learn more about 1) why you are interested in this opportunity and 2) what makes you a good fit for this role. Please also upload a statement of interest that speaks to each of those points.
- Optional: if you have a writing sample you’d like to include, please upload that as well.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with a final deadline of January 15, 2025.