Employers hiring for investment banking internships recruit based on the timelines that work for their company. Internships after the junior year of college often lead to full-time offers after graduation. Recruiting for junior-year internships usually begins during your sophomore year …
OCS Linkedin Photo Booth
Students from Yale College, Yale GSAS and the Postdocs are welcome to reserve a date/time to use the OCS LinkedIn Photo Booth located at OCS, 55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor. Go here to learn more and …
Sample 1
Dear (First Name),
I hope your day is going well! I am writing to you because I’m currently working on creating my LinkedIn profile. I am looking to add some recommendations to support my representation of skills. As …
Current Yale Student
As a junior at Yale College, I have devoted my studies to Cognitive Science, and am seeking employment in the following areas: UX Design and Marketing. My internship in the Promotions Department within the headquarters of the …