The 3-Minute Thesis competition challenges Yale PhD students to clearly and compellingly describe their thesis to a broad audience – in 3 minutes!  By preparing a successful presentation, students will develop a key professional asset that is just as critical for academic conferences and job talks as it is for a job search outside of the academy.  We welcome all Yale students, postdocs, faculty, and staff to attend this exciting and enlightening annual event!

By participating, students can:

  • Hone communication skills essential to any career path
  • Refine their “elevator pitch”
  • Learn about the research projects of their peers
  • Share their work with the Yale community

2023 Yale’s 3-Minute Thesis Competition

On April 14th we invited the Yale community to cheer on this year’s 10 finalists in this live celebration of Ph.D. research. At the Sudler Recital Hall event, finalists delivered their presentations live to both an in-person and virtual audience of more than 350. Click here to learn more about the competition, including the prizes and judging criteria.

The Poorvu CTL Certificate for Public Communication

3MT participants who take advantage of OCS and GWL professional development resources and complete in the 3MT preliminary rounds are eligible to earn The Poorvu CTL Certificate for Public Communication. For more information about the certificate program, please email Julia Istomina, Assistant Director of The Graduate Writing Lab, at

The 3-Minute Thesis Competition is sponsored by the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and is a collaboration of the offices of the McDougal Graduate Student Center. Yale’s competition is modeled on the 3MT® competition founded by the University of Queensland.  

NEW! 2023 Yale 3MT Competition

Yale 3MT Rules and Judging Criteria

The Poorvu CTL Certificate for Public Communication

Resources to Enhance your 3MT Presentation

2022 Yale 3MT Competition

2021 3MT Competitions (Yale 3MT and Ivy+3MT)

Yale 2023 3-Minute Thesis Competition Winners Announced!

The Yale 3-Minute Thesis Competition challenges Ph.D. students to describe their thesis work clearly and engagingly in just 3 minutes! On April 14th we invited the Yale community to cheer on this year’s 10 finalists in this live celebration of Ph.D. …

By Jacob Gonzalez
Jacob Gonzalez Senior Associate Director, Graduate and Postdoctoral Career Services
Read more

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Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
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Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
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