Application Timeline & Process

The timetable outlined below is a guide to assist students who plan to apply for academic Master’s degree and Ph.D programs. Because of the range of programs and requirements, the information below is a general framework. The process typically begins in the first semester of junior year, or two years prior to application. Students should plan on submitting application materials by the end of first semester senior year, or approximately eight months prior to matriculation.

The graduate school application process, also outlined below, is similar to the process you used when applying to undergraduate colleges; there are materials to gather and deadlines to meet. Many students find it helpful to compile a spreadsheet to help them stay organized and avoid missing important deadlines. Early decisions and rolling admissions policies are common, even if not explicitly stated. There are additional featured articles at the bottom of this page that can help you with some of these components.

Application Timeline


Junior Year or One Year Prior to Matriculating

September – December

  • Schedule an appointment with a Office of Career Strategy advisor.
  • Meet with faculty and your Director of Undergraduate Studies to discuss potential programs and letters of recommendation.
  • Begin to prepare for the GRE.
  • Research and develop list of target programs.

January – May

June – August

  • Draft personal statements.
  • Finalize list of target programs, noting application deadlines (most will begin in November).

Senior Year or One Year Prior to Matriculating


  • Request letters of recommendation from faculty.
  • Finalize your personal statements and have them edited by a writing tutor and other readers.



  • Begin submitting applications. Confirm with programs that your application file is complete, including letters of recommendation.
  • Begin exploring sources of financial aid (federal, institutional and private) and obtain and file applications as soon as possible.



  • Have your fall semester transcripts sent to target programs.

February – April

  • Evaluate Letters of acceptance and offers of financial aid.



Application Process


Standardized Tests

Standardized tests are used in combination with your other application materials to gauge your preparation for graduate-level work. Tests may be general or subject specific depending on the subject and program requirements. Determine which, if any, standardized tests you need to take and gather information on how often the test is offered, testing locations, and cost. For GRE details and registration information, please visit the Educational Testing Service (ETS) website.

Additional considerations for Students with Disabilities who are thinking about applying to graduate or professional schools include identifying which exams are needed, how far in advance exam accommodations must be requested, and which documentations regarding your disability will likely be needed for exam accommodations.

Personal Statements

Preparing a well-written and effective personal statement (sometimes referred to as statements of purpose or personal essays) that clearly articulates your preparation, goals, and motivation for pursuing that specific graduate degree is critically important. You will need to spend a considerable amount of time and effort crafting these statements. For individual assistance with writing your personal statement, consult with the writing tutor in your residential college or the Writing Center within the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning.

Letters of Recommendation

Graduate programs will commonly require 2-3 letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation allow an admissions committee to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and potential from another person’s perspective. You can find more information in our Soliciting Letters of Recommendation Blog.

Application Forms

Program application forms are typically available on the program web site; you can also call the program to request application materials. Pay special attention to any directions given and complete application forms exactly as instructed. Do not simply refer the recipient to your resume; answer all questions completely and thoroughly.

Transcripts: Graduate schools usually require that you submit official transcripts from all institutions of higher education as part of your application. You can request your Yale College transcript online through the Student Information System (SIS) or by contacting the Office of the Registrar. If you completed courses at another college or university or studied abroad, you will need to contact those schools directly to request official transcripts. For courses taken abroad, you may be required to get a translation of your transcripts if it is in another language. 

Resumes and CVs: Graduate programs often require applicants to provide a resume or CV (curriculum vitae). The OCS website provides resume samples and a CV worksheet that you can use as a guide when developing your document. Before submitting your resume or CV, you should have it reviewed by a OCS Career Advisor or Graduate Peer Advisor to assure it is free of errors and is effectively conveying your skills, background, and experiences.

Writing Samples and Creative Portfolios: Depending on your discipline, you may also need to submit writing samples appropriate to your intended area of specialization, such as poetry, fiction, or journalism. For those pursuing advanced degrees in performing or visual arts, you may also need to submit a portfolio of your work or audition tapes. Review the specific requirements for the programs you’re considering and speak with your faculty advisor or OCS Career Advisor, Derek Webster, to discuss your needs.

Interviewing: A graduate school interview should be approached in the same manner as a job interview. Preparation and practice are essential. Be ready to discuss your academic preparation and motivations for seeking a graduate degree, your specific areas of interest within the field of study, and your goals following your degree completion. Also, be prepared to discuss any internships, fieldwork, research, or clinical experiences and the impact they had on you. After the interview, don’t forget to send thank you notes.

Yale Silver Scholars Progam at SOM

The Silver Scholars Program at the Yale School of Management allows students to earn a Yale MBA degree within three years, directly after graduation, spring-boarding them toward their career goals and leadership positions. The program is designed for exceptional students with strong …

By Yale Office of Career Strategy
Yale Office of Career Strategy
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Connecting with Faculty & Requesting Letters of Recommendation

Connecting With Faculty During Your Time at Yale

There are many reasons you will want to get to know your professors during your time at Yale. Not only are they brilliant researchers, and wonderful teachers, they also greatly enjoy working …

By Yale Office of Career Strategy
Yale Office of Career Strategy
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Applying To (and Paying For!) Graduate School (videos)

Thinking about graduate school? Wondering how to approach the application process and funding? Watch these two great videos to find out. Both review the general application approach and process; the first video also includes information about fellowships you might want …

By Yale Office of Career Strategy
Yale Office of Career Strategy
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Job Search Resources

Service to School (S2S) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides free college and grad school application counseling to military veterans …

In an effort to support students pursuing careers in the nonprofit, government and the arts sectors, those interviewing for national …


Day of the week
Academic Year Summer Hours
Monday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm

The office is closed weekends, holidays, and recess days.