The Office of Career Strategy and the Yale in Hollywood program, an alumni group involved in the entertainment industry and part of the Yale Club of Southern California, have collaborated to offer internship opportunities and streamline the internship search process for students interested in an introduction to the various components of the entertainment industry. Students receive guidance from industry professionals as they develop their networking skills and develop a base of contacts that are integral to expanding their career opportunities.

Events are planned during the summer, including receptions and networking events with alumni in Southern California to provide students with an opportunity to establish a solid industry network and begin developing mentoring relationships with alumni.


All interested employers are invited to register for this program and post their internship opportunities through the Employer link of the Yale Career Link, powered by Symplicity. An alternate Yale in Hollywood online submission portal is available; contact for more information.

Application Process

Internships will be posted in Yale Career Link, powered by Symplicity starting in early spring for summer opportunities. Students can search within the YCL jobs board for the term “Yale in Hollywood” (quotes included). In season, additional opportunities can also be found below, updated within the YiH News items.

Internships are open to all current Yale College students. Internship duration and start and end dates will be negotiated with each employer.


Rolling, Spring. Remember that rolling deadlines are being reviewed by employers on a first received basis. Consider applying for positions well before the stated deadline.

Required Documents

  • Résumé
  • Cover letter
  • Employers may require script coverage, writing samples, or the completion of a second online application through their custom portal.

Some employers may inquire whether a student can receive academic credit for the internship. Yale College has a policy that allows students to apply summer experience toward credit for independent study at Yale, including a fieldwork practicum. This policy is not unique to Yale; it is shared by many other institutions. Students may request a letter stating Yale’s policies through the Office of Career Strategy, which is usually sufficient for the employer. For more information, visit the Academic Credit Section of the Office of Career Strategy Website.


  • Housing: Students are responsible for providing their own housing. Housing resources are available to help you locate housing in Los Angeles.
  • Meals: Students are responsible for providing their own meals.
  • Transportation: Interns are responsible for meeting their own travel and transportation needs. It is usually recommended to have a car, as where you live and work may be far apart and the public transportation system in Los Angeles can be difficult to navigate.
  • Funding: Like the majority of the internship opportunities in the entertainment industry, these opportunities are often unpaid. Unpaid positions will not require students to work full-time for 40 hours-per-week. Students may participate in multiple internships or hold part-time jobs to supplement the internship.

Making the Most of Your Summer Experience

Yale’s Office of Career Strategy strongly encourages all students embarking on a summer experience to watch the following two short animated videos and read the three pages below:

Summer Experience Checklist: This page is a must read as it provides …

By Yale Office of Career Strategy
Yale Office of Career Strategy
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Craft & Career: Colby Day, screenwriter – Part 1 & 2

The Craft & Career series connects with professional creatives from the arts, entertainment, and media industries, to discuss the nuances of their craft, the reality of their careers, and how, in often surprising ways, these two concerns can work together.

By Derek I. Webster
Derek I. Webster Director of Common Good & Creative Careers
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Day of the week
Academic Year Summer Hours
Monday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm

The office is closed weekends, holidays, and recess days.