OCS is excited to offer all students who we serve the opportunity to reserve a LinkedIn Booth. The OCS LinkedIn Booth is located at 55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor. The OCS LinkedIn Booth is a private room that you can reserve for 30 minutes. It has a ring light, tripod for your cell phone and multiple back drops to choose from. Take as many pictures as you’d like for your headshot in private. Once you select an available time through Yale Career Link, you will receive a confirmation email. The booth is currently available to reserve every Wednesday & Friday from 10am – 4pm when classes are in session. Requests are required by the day before to be considered. If you need to reserve it for another weekday, please email lisa.blees@yale.edu with the subject line: OCS LinkedIn Booth.
Career Preparation Workshops, Advertising, Marketing & PR, Architecture, Arts, Boutique Consulting, Building Your LinkedIn Profile, Business, Law & Industry, Career, CGCC in the Classroom, Common Good & Creative Careers, Consulting, Design, Digital Media, Education, Entertainment, Environment, Sustainability & Energy, Exploring Careers, Fashion, Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Government, Finance, Insurance & Real Estate, Fine & Visual Arts, General Management & Leadership Development Programs, Government, Intelligence & Counterterrorism Intelligence, Journalism, Law & Legal Services, Management Consulting, Media & Communications, Museums & Arts Administration, Music Recording, Non-Instructional Roles, Non-Profit, Policy & Think Tanks, Public Sector & Non-Profit Consulting, Publishing & Literary, Startups, Entrepreneurship & Freelance Work, STEM Connect Community: Engineering, STEM Connect Community: Healthcare, Biotech & Global Public Health, STEM Connect Community: Life & Physical Sciences, STEM Connect Community: Programming & Data Science, STEMConnect, Theater, Dance & Music, Yale Journalism Initiative