Strategies for a Dual Job Search: Applying for Faculty Positions and Jobs beyond the Academy

Watch our full recording here (on Yale Connect)

Are you considering a “tandem” job search, or the simultaneous pursuit of faculty positions as well as positions beyond the academic walls? You are not alone – PhDs increasingly are considering both tracks due to factors such as a competitive academic market; locational constraints; uncertainty about career preferences; or the desire to cast a wide net due to a joint search with a partner.

Watch this 60-minute workshop for insights on how to plan and manage a tandem search to maximize your success in these job markets. We discuss deadlines, application strategies, job search resources and more, with plenty of time for questions. This workshop is aimed at PhD students and postdocs in the biological sciences, physical sciences and engineering & applied sciences

Panelists include:

  • Jacob Gonzalez, Sr. Associate Director at the Office of Career Strategy
  • Anthony Koleske, Ensign Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and of Neuroscience; Deputy Dean for Research
By Jacob Gonzalez (he/him)
Jacob Gonzalez (he/him) Senior Associate Director, Graduate and Postdoctoral Career Services