Contact OCS

Street Address:

55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor
New Haven, CT 06510

Parking available on street or in nearby Audubon Court Garage.

Located at 55 Whitney Ave across from BBQ Chicken, our doorway is between the flags (see photo). Tap your Student ID on the card reader to the left of the door between the two flags, and again with the security guard. Then proceed to the third floor and take a left to the reception area.

picture of building at 55 Whitney Avenue

55 Whitney Ave

Mailing Address:

PO Box 208303
New Haven, CT 06520-8303

Yale Student Questions:

Phone: (203) 432-0803

Questions about the Summer Experience Award:

Employer Inquiries:

Please use our Employer Inquiry Form, which includes answers to many frequently asked questions.

Phone: (203) 432-0804

Health Professions Advisory Program:

Phone: (203) 432-0803

Other Inquiries:


Message the Office of Career Strategy

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