The GSAS Professional Experience (GPE) Fellowship is an exciting new initiative by the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences that offers Ph.D. students the opportunity to work on meaningful projects in administrative offices across the university. This program is designed to expand opportunities for doctoral students to strengthen their professional skill set and broaden their career exposure by working with experienced administrators outside of their academic programs.

Interested in a GPE fellowship for Fall 2023? Fall 2023 applications are now open on the Graduate Student Professional Development website and will be due 11:59pm on July 7 2023.

Why Do a GPE Fellowship?

Whether or not you pursue careers within or outside the academy, the fellowship experience is designed to advance your professional development and career awareness.

Career Exploration:  Through a GPE Fellowship, you can gain exposure to academic administration as well as many professional roles found in organizations outside of academia, including: user experience research, exhibit design, journalism, corporate sustainability, finance, fund-raising, diversity initiatives, curriculum design, and event planning.

Mentoring:  You will have a unique opportunity to work closely with host mentors, many of whom also have PhDs, and may be able to participate in job shadowing and meetings with other members in university administration.  Through conversation and observation, you will expand your understanding of diverse functional roles, professional workplaces, and career transitions.

Skills Development:  If you would like to expand your professional skill set, the GPE Fellowship is for you!  Host organizations are looking for graduate students to help them with: Strategic planning; research; project management; program design and execution; communications; data analysis; best practices assessment…and more!

Fellowship Terms

  • Eligibility:  Fellows must be currently matriculated, Yale doctoral students in years 1-6* of their studies during the fellowship.
  • Term:  Fellows work at a Yale host organization under the guidance of the host mentor for 5-7 hours per week over the course of 13-15 weeks during the semester.
  • Stipend:  Fellows receive $1500 for fellowships.
  • International students should consult with your OISS advisor to confirm eligibility.

Please note:  The GPE Fellowship does not count towards the fulfillment of your teaching requirement.  For more information on teaching requirements, please see the GSAS website.

* 7th-year students with COVID-related funding extensions from GSAS are eligible to apply.


Questions? Contact Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Professional Development Suzanne Young, PhD.

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