The Yale Alumni Community Service Funded Internship (YACSF) program is an internship program that places students in paid eight-week community service positions throughout the United States. This program was initiated in 1989 and allows students to work in substantive positions within nonprofit organizations. The program has a close partnership with the local Yale Alumni Clubs who support the positions in their particular location. See specific position for stipend amount.

Internship Overview

YACSF are funded internships where students apply to the position and if selected, receive the funding.

  • Student Eligibility: First years, sophomores, and juniors are eligible. If positions are not filled during the first round, often seniors will become eligible at that point.  
  • Position Eligibility: Positions that are in Yale Career Link and labeled as -YACSF. These positions are with nonprofit employers that the Yale Alumni Club in that region has selected.  
  • Application Portal: Yale Career Link, keyword: YACSF
  • Application Deadline: Deadlines vary for each individual position. Positions start getting posted in system in late November and can continue throughout the spring.
  • Fellowship Stipend: See specific position for stipend amount.
  • Internship Requirements: All fellows must:
    • Schedule a pre departure advising meeting with Jorimel Zaldivar.
    • Submit an end of summer reflection report.

Who is hiring Yale Alumni Community Service Interns?

Yale Alumni Clubs in various locations across the United States select nonprofit employers to be a part of the program. By funding the student’s stipend, the Yale Club is able to provide support for both the student and the chosen employer. If any Yale Club is interested in getting involved in this program, contact Jorimel Zaldivar. Below is  a list of some of the Yale Clubs who have historically supported the program.

  • Yale Alumni Club of Northwest CT
  • Yale Alumni Club of Greenwich
  • Yale Alumni Club of Washington, DC
  • Yale Alumni Club of Chicago
  • Yale Alumni Club of Boston
  • Yale Alumni Club of Minnesota
  • Yale Alumni Club of New York City
  • Yale Club of Philadelphia
  • Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA)

Application Process

  • Applicants will apply through Yale Career Link.
  • To search for the Yale Alumni Community Service Funded Internships in Yale Career Link, go to Job Postings and enter keyword “YACSF”.
  • A Resume and Cover Letter are required for each position. Some positions may require additional materials which would be indicated in the individual job posting.
  • Many employers will conduct phone or skype interviews.
  • Application Deadline: There is not one deadline for YACSF positions as employers are at liberty to post the positions and determine what deadline works best for them. Continue to check Yale Career Link for additional opportunities.
  • For questions, please contact Jorimel Zaldivar.




Day of the week
Academic Year Summer Hours
Monday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm

The office is closed weekends, holidays, and recess days.